Did you know that, by Replacing incandescent light bulbs with higher efficiency bulbs (compact fluorescents and LED) you could be stopping carbon emission by 1,699 lbs of carbon a year. I just got to know after registering at microsoft-hohm.
People are increasingly talking more and more about going green and saving the world. At the rate at which earth is using it's resources we are in for some real trouble if we do not change our behaviors. Going green and saving energy will not only benefit the planet, but your pocket as well. You could be saving 1000s each year by doing simple things that are Energy saving.

microsoft-hohm.com is a web service geared to provide you with loads of tips and recommendations on how you can step up to save your energy consumption. Starting with home appliances to changing the way you use house lighting or tips on how to be efficient with your house heating / cooling systems with thermostats. All in all they will provide you with a comprehensive guide to home energy saving FREE of charge.
It's not just about giving you some tips. People should be consciously aware of the places where they use lot of energy and where they spend more on energy. We can plug the leaking points only if we know where the leaks are. So with this service you will be easily creating energy profiles for your house hold and finding out where exactly the leaks are. Then it will be a matter of time for them to get plugged with appropriate solutions. You will also be comparing your energy usage with your neighbors and friends and engage with them as a community for a better energy saving.
You can make lists of tagets and goals and monitor whether you have achieved them with time. That way you will be able to monitor the progression of your energy saving ideas.
So why not try this service out and save you and the planet at the same time. Cheers for a Better... Greener... World....
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