Effective Learning!

learning essentially has 3 steps. encoding, storing and decoding or retrieving.

Encoding - understanding information that you receive and transform them in to understandable format.

Storing - Most of the information we come across everyday doesn't get into our long term memory. But those information we use consciously for some time will leak into our long term memory.

Initially all information that we come across is stored in our short term memory. Then depending on the significance of the information, how long the information was used consciously and other factors, the information will be stored or will left over. Those factors will also decide how easy those memories can be retrieved.

Retrieve / Decode - Retrieving memory form where we stored.

I just wanted to give a brief overview of the processes involved in learning. Now we'll discuss, how you can use these theories practically to improve your learning.

You can use these easy to use methods. There are two methods that i recommend you to use.

1. SQ3R

  • SQ3R
Survey - Before you start studying a particular section, go through it on the surface and try to get a picture of what you are going to learn

Questions - Try to make some question that you expect to get answered by studying that particular section.

Read - Read the section carefully (This should be a very cognitive process) and try to understand the concepts.

Recite - Try to read out what you have read with out looking at the text. Even if the theory suggest this step, i don't recommend this for science and math students. But you can use this to test your memory on certain formulas and so on.

Review - Although all the steps are important, i find this step very very important. This is the step which require lot of concentration. In this step you have to re memorise and check your understanding of certain principals and concepts. Also you can apply what you just learnt to real world examples and check your understanding. Doing problems from the lesson will fall into this category.

MURDER is a very similar technique. It also use the same principals as SQ3R.


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